The Founders Series: Elle Macpherson The Founders Series: Elle Macpherson

Elle MacphersonWelleCo

When the supermodel-turned-businesswoman Elle Macpherson began feeling sleep-deprived, dehydrated and stressed out, she found relief in the form of a super greens supplement. Convinced that the custom-mixed formula could work as well for others as it had for her, she launched WelleCo. Made in Australia, The Super Elixir is now a worldwide phenom—just like Macpherson herself.

What drove you to start your own brand? When I had my children, I developed a very different perspective on what it means to be well. I began to recognize the importance of clean, supportive nourishment and self-sustaining practices. By the time I was 50, I began to really understand how to achieve wellness, and the wonderful benefits of feeling well, and I wanted to share that with everyone.

When I was in my 20s and 30s, I relied on genetics to stay in shape. But when I approached my 50s, I started to realize that what had worked for me before was no longer working. I learned that, if given the right nutrients, my body could heal itself. I was introduced to a plant-based diet and was educated on the importance of an alkaline body for reducing inflammation and increasing sleep quality.

Along this journey, Dr. Simone Laubscher helped create the formula that became the foundation for WelleCo The Super Elixir daily greens. The Super Elixir is a special blend of more than 45 botanical herbs, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and probiotics. When taken daily with water, the synergy of the ingredients is amplified and nourishes the body right down at a cellular level, promoting optimal function of all 11 systems of the body.

After practicing simple lifestyle changes, consciously focusing on clean nutrition, sleep, meditation and introducing this daily green powder to help replace the nutrients stripped from our food by modern farming, I regained my health and the inner vitality I’d lost. This daily elixir had profound effects on my wellbeing and so in 2014, WelleCo was born. It allowed me to share that wonderful life-shift I’d experienced with others—bringing everyone such complex benefits in an easy, simple, daily routine—just two teaspoons of alkalizing greens in water each day.
“If something moves you, give it a go. Navigate your way through life using your heart as the compass—it’s the only way.”

What’s your favorite product in the line? I recommend every single product in the WelleCo collection. But I would have to say The Super Elixir alkalizing greens is my “non-negotiable.” It’s our foundation product, and the one that really showed me how you can feel when you’re truly well.

It produces beautiful, clear, glowing skin and helps support your gut health and immune system function. And it gives a real vitality that you feel and show—and it tastes great! I’m loving our Ginger and Lemon flavor at the moment! For extra hydration, I sometimes combine it with aloe vera juice.

What are your morning and evening routines? It’s important to start the day how you mean to go on—so for me, that means consciously connecting to my heart. I practice prayer, breathwork and mediation in the mornings. It helps keep me centered.

Following this, I hydrate with warm water and lemon, followed by a green matcha tea with some coconut butter. Mid-morning, I oxygenate and nourish my cells with a big green sprout juice that includes a mix of pea sprouts, sunflower sprouts, broccoli sprouts, cucumber, celery and two teaspoons of The Super Elixir. I feel amazing after, and I know I’m getting all the nutrients I need early on in the day.

I find it’s important to combine inner wellness practices with topical products—a carefully considered selection that’s natural and non-toxic. I prefer a naturally glowing face, so one brand in my skincare and beauty cabinet is Dr. Barbara Sturm, especially the Glow Drops and the Hyaluronic Serum.

Movement is really important for the body, and I like mixing it up. I enjoy sports and love being outdoors, so I’ll swim laps, ride my bike and hike in the woods with my dog. I also love a yoga class.

More recently, my evening routine has consisted of an infrared sauna steam (Therasage offers a fabulous portable option), followed by a cold plunge in a saltwater pool. It’s great for detox, immune boost, lymph support and relaxation. I follow that with my nightly ritual of a cup of Sleep Welle Calming Tea, which helps the mind, emotions and body to rest, recover and rejuvenate.
What would people be surprised to learn about you? I never had the right body in modelling terms, yet I became “The Body.” What advice would you give to someone thinking about starting their own business? If something moves you, give it a go. Navigate your way through life using your heart as the compass—it’s the only way. Choose what resonates with your heart, commit your energy to it, and you’ll find your way.

It takes vision to set your path, courage for those first steps and faith to keep focus along the journey. And trust your inner sense. The magic will start to happen when you start trusting it and acting on it. Every step of the way is an experience to learn from. Act on what you learn.
Elle Macpherson of WelleCo
The Founders Series
Learn how some of the beauty industry’s most dynamic entrepreneurs find inspiration and develop must-have products as they share their advice for aspiring business moguls and much more